angie : she's no doubt,--LOuD~! cuz she'll go like... "Classs!!!! Shut UP n do ur work!!"
thexeira : oh my gawd...... she's da one who will make da claz pay when itz too noisy.....
carmen : she can sing until every glasses can break too!!
wen : once apon a time... when i am in nursery... i met her.. she and zs ler hio.. will
bully me wan... snatch me book lar... haihz... but then after that she will be
the one returning me book to me...
ming : Guys out there... wanna 'kau' her? Just make sure you're taller than her (not very hard to accomplish this one ;p) and you need to have small eyes.
ann : i love amy coz....i juz do, she's my underaged darling.. hehe who screams rather uncontrollably sometimes...
she's always suffering from syarikat sickness... during those times she
really really (X10000) becomes wacky....
sookie : i've missed the time wen we use to gossip bout ppl's hair... face n etc..
hahahha n remember i alwiz ask u this phrase " whos hair is longer? hers or
mine?" hahahaha
nian : her ridin's a lil manical but wAt the hell being her passenger is a great deal of fun...
and guys better watch out !!you guys better ,better not kacau her cause
as her lil' mei mei i noe all the great physical tortures she can inflict upon
you!!!!(I KENA MANY TIMES DI!!!)
sigh. time sure flies. no doubt that i'd say that the best years in life are those during high school.. =)))

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