September 14, 2010

I loved ...

it when you pull my toes just to make 'em crack.

how you pinch my chin all the time, trying to elongate my already long shaped face.

you giving me piggyback rides just cos I love 'em.

the way you pretend to be cute each time I don't allow you to bite your nails.

falling asleep in your arms and waking up right next to you eventhough you tend to punch or kick me when you sleep at times.

to irritate you by pulling onto the belt handles of your trousers and pretend to be the cutest jockey you'd ever come across.

to irritate you more by cracking lame jokes and making faces at you when you're trying to have a moment with me, being romantic. but I did loved the way you look into my eyes and gently caress my hair away from my face.

it even more when you try not to wake me up but instead gently plant a kiss on my forehead before you leave the room so that I can continue to sleep soundly like a baby.

just spending all my time with you.

The list goes on but no matter what, all good things must come to an end.

I can never be stronger than what I want myself to be. ='(


Blogger Unknown said...

better things will come along the way...
"there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel"

September 19, 2010 at 4:07 AM  

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