October 23, 2008


i can still clearly remember how i'd always run to you in tears when some jerk crushed my heart. u'd always wanted to give them a piece of your mind and wring their necks.

in school, u'd always listen to me. everyone knew it. even on the day of your funeral, ye shan told me that u'll always listen to me. i only wish you were still here to listen to me. how i used to ask you not to play with your food, to finish up your homework and also not to find unnecessary fault with the teachers.

but ironically, when we all left school, you grew to become a more matured person whom i always confide in. i'd listen to you as you knock sense into me. you took on the role of being the older protective sister of mine instead.

he's not being a good boyfriend now.
can you please come back and wring his neck?

i still think of you dearly everyday.

miss you.

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