ladies and gentlemen,
may i introduce to you..

i hope my hair will look better or probably other ppl's eyesight to get worse. *crosses fingers and toes*
muahahaha. =)

i know.. i know.. well, it isnt suppose to turn out this flat anyway, before having it straighten.. it looked much better from the front but the back was just totally in a mess.. so i really had to straighten my hair.. i just hope it'll have more shape soon.. sigh.
i asked vin how do i look and he said, "doesnt it make ur face look longer?" why thank you darling. that is so nice of you to "compliment" on not only my hair but my face as well. it's not that i dont already know that i have an exceptionally unusual long face, you had to emphasize on it to make me feel special hor.. haha but then he said he liked it (not sure if he actually does or was just saying it so that i wont go bug him about my hair all the time.. haha) not really used to it though.. but heck, it'll grow in no time.. till then, u ppl will have to bear with my new look whether u like it or not.. haha
btw, results for the final exam is out today!!! i've been looking forward to this day ever since my last paper was over.. haha i've been sort of a nerd the whole of this semester.. rarely went out for food or 'entertainment'.. it wasnt my choice.. but because i was a bit REALLY tight on cash. the government loan for this semester was only about RM700 plus for 5 FREAKING MONTHS.. which means roughly RM140 per month, RM35 per week, RM 5 PER DAY!!! crazy or not..?? u tell me how to survive.. my average spending is about RM500 per month with some extras for my shopping "emergencies".. haha.. how not to rot in my room the whole day surviving on instant noodles and burgers..? my only source of entertainment was downloaded TVB drama series, english series and even taiwan drama series.. so when i run out of shows to watch and had already slept for nearly half the day, all that is left is to study in order to keep my mind functioning properly.
and yes! all my hard work and effort paid off!!
i'm so so SO happy i tell u.. cos when ever someone tells me that they are worried of not being able to maintain their CGPA, i always end up telling them not to expect their pointers to keep increasing by the semester as each semester will definitely be more difficult with killer papers and never-ending assignments. BUT.. for economic students like me, we LOVE to see increasing trends in certain or most of the economic graphs.. well then of course variables like petrol prices would be otherwise la.. haha
and this is my personal micro-time series which shows an upward trend!! nice hor... *GRIN*

till then,
i hope my hair will look better or probably other ppl's eyesight to get worse. *crosses fingers and toes*
muahahaha. =)
Labels: dongkey, hair-cut, mohney-issues, results, sem-break, uni
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