it's snowing..
well, i had planned on blogging more often once my 3rd semester starts considering that i've not blogged much bout my uni ever since i first got in.. but looks like now it has been 4 months since my 3rd sem started and not even one pitiful picture of my uni being posted up.. except for all my rantings about my pathetic course subjects and the bloody internet connection..
"but really mah... the wireless in my college like shit like that.. not only that, my room is all the way on the third floor and on the highest block to get decent internet connection?? should i be more hardworking in going up and down those 100m flight of stairs to the hall so that i can online and then be all skin and bones by end of this semester...??"
anyone feeling
anyways, like they always say, i shall then let these pictures say a thousand words.. (note: pics are like taken donkey years or maybe at least 4 months ago.. lol)
and here is my room for the first year.. the very low-workmanship-like-of-a-student's-woodwork-project cupboard and the bed. (i know.. it's a bit messy.. think it was during the finals when i took this pic.. excuse me laa..)
and the desk.
and for this first semester of my second year, given the "privilege" to shift to the 3rd floor where probability of 'roach-terror problems' are much less, my room - with the signature cupboard and bed.. and desk.
my table.. (much neater righttt.... =) )
a closer look of my lappie's wallpaper.. me n me dearies =) <3
additional signature furniture!! but just look how stupidly high it is being placed.. i can barely reach my things without dragging my chair over.. so strategic hor...
a closer view of my food stash!! more like junk.. lol
the perfect shoe rack to match the signature furniture which i
stole borrowed from across the room.. hehe.. benefits from coming back early for the semester.. =)
me roommate's side of the room.. with an additional super high signature rack above her bed.

sigh.. my phone kaput-ed again!! this time, the whole screen just blacked out.. T_T it hasnt even been a year yet but it has already died-ed on me TWICE.. this is so depressing.. what's worse is that all my contacts are stored in my phone but not in my sim card.. now i need more money to not only do my shopping, but also to get a new phone.. donkey.
i'm facing a situation of surplus demand in money.. whereby the money demand exceeds the money supply.. how am i suppose to adjust the money supply and interest rate to achieve an equilibrium? what more reach a point of surplus in supply?? I AM NOT BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA. I WANT MONEY. I NEED LOTS OF MONEY. sigh. and i need to start studying now.. exams exams exams.. last paper for the month on tmr night. wish me luck =)
cant wait to be back for the raya break!!!
Labels: crap, mohney-issues, uni